When asking someone to make an introduction the key is to make dead simple! This is where your introduction blurbs come in. The purpose of the introduction blurb is to provide a strategic, 2-3 sentence overview of YOU and your ask for your referrer to include in their note. Make sure you write the blurb from the referrer's perspective so they can easily copy and paste it.

Hi [NAME],

Hope all is well during these crazy times!

I am interested in learning more about [ROLE, DISCIPLINE, INDUSTRY, COMPANY NAME, ETC]. Based off of my LinkedIn connections, it looks like you may know [NAME/POSITION AND HYPERLINK TO THEIR LINKEDIN PROFILE]. If so, would you feel comfortable making an introduction? No need to endorse me, I would just love a foot in the door.

Thank you in advance and I've included a blurb below to facilitate the introduction!

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Intro Blurb:

[Your Name and make this hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile] is currently [what is your most recent title and company] where he/she focuses on [areas of focus]. He/She is currently looking to [enter your specific ask here; learn more about Product Management, post specific job listing, etc] and thought you would be a great person to connect with because [state something here that gets the person excited or strokes their ego!]. I have also enclosed a copy of his/her resume below. Please let me know if you would be open to connecting with him/her.